Monday, April 6, 2009

Books Worth Reading

I know you all are just dying to know what I've been reading lately. I mean, I'd almost decided to start my own book club, but then I felt sorry for Oprah. I wouldn't want to ruin her thing. So, anyway, I finally read Virginia Woolf's "Orlando: A Biography." I don't know why I hadn't read it before. I love Virginia Woolf, but I guess I was distracted by all of that anthropology stuff or something. Anyway, we've been going to the library a lot lately, both to be environmentally friendly and also because we are attempting to be more fiscally responsible. It's given me a chance to check out some things that I hadn't thought about in years. I'd always meant to read "Orlando," so I finally made the time. It was as wonderful as I expected it to be. If you aren't aware of the plot, the story follows the life of Orlando, who begins his life as a man, decides he will not die, and, at the end of the book is a woman. The book is meant to be a fictionalized biography of a friend of Woolf's, Vita Sackville-West, but has typically been considered simply a novel. "Orlando" takes on time, class, history and gender, allowing Woolf to comment on her own time without facing too much criticism for broaching such controversial topics. I know, I know. It sounds like work. I promise it is a good read. If you haven't yet read it, please do. Let me know what you think.
Okay, so now for a children's book. If I haven't mentioned it before, we spend a LOT of time reading around here. We are fortunate to have a child that loves books as much as we do. Since Easter is upon us, I thought I would share a book about bunnies, a "Thunder Bunny" to be exact. LB loves it. I think that her Auntie Paige bought it for her a year or so ago. Rather than illustrations, the pictures in the book are all collages created by the author, Barbara Helen Berger. The book is beautiful. Thunder Bunny is born blue, as you can see from the picture, and doesn't quite fit in with the rest of her family. She discovers that she comes "from the blue" and leaps to the sky to prove it to herself and her family. LB likes to quote this line from the book, "I am a thun, thun, thunder bunny!" It's a quick read, making it a perfect bedtime story.

Brennan of the Day: Tim's sister got him a musical card for his birthday back in January. He came across it today and LB has been playing with it ALL DAY. The song is "Mr. Roberto" and the chorus is recorded in the card. Brennan believes she knows it and has been singing, "They don't want to get Mr. Arato." Again, I say, "How cute is my baby?"

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